Flood Control and Lakes Programs

(This page was updated 4/13/2023)

The Division of Conservation (DOC) flood control and lakes programs address many natural resource and safety related issues such as flood control, public water supply and recreation. There are three DOC programs that address these issues:  the Multipurpose Small Lakes Program, the Water Supply Restoration Program and the Watershed Dam Construction Program.

Multipurpose Small Lakes Program

The Multipurpose Small Lakes Program, (K.S.A. 82a-1601, et seq.), was authorized by the 1985 Legislature as a result of recommendations in the State Water Plan. This program provides financial assistance for flood protection, public water supply storage, and water related recreational facilities while requiring a Local Non-Point Source Pollution Management Plan to be developed for the project area. The program provides assistance for new construction or the renovation of an existing lake. Eligible sponsors as defined in statute include any entity with taxing authority and right of eminent domain.

HorseThief Dam and Reservoir

Statutes and Regulations

Water Supply Restoration Program

The Water Supply Restoration Program is a voluntary, incentive-based water management program.  The program is designed to assist eligible sponsors to restore and protect water supply lakes where appropriate watershed restoration and protection are planned or in place. Eligible components for the financial assistance are removal of sediment, rehabilitation of structures, watershed protection, and engineering fees.

Dredging Mission Lake

Kansas Administrative Regulations

Watershed Dam Construction Program

The Watershed Dam Construction Program provides state financial assistance to organized Watershed, Drainage or other Special Districts for the implementation of flood control structural and non-structural practices. These practices provide protection of agricultural land, urban areas, roads, bridges and utilities, in addition to providing water for livestock and in some instances for rural fire departments, enhancing wildlife and trapping sediment and pollutants. Construction and rehabilitation of flood control and/or grade stabilization dams are the main practices and components of this program.

Watershed DamK.S.A. 2-1915, as amended by the 1976 Legislature, authorizes the appropriation of funds for dams. Since 1977, the Legislature has annually appropriated funds for cost-share assistance for the construction of flood control detention and grade stabilization dams. The Watershed District Act, K.S.A. 24-1201 et seq. and the Watershed Dam Construction Program rules and regulations K.A.R. 11-3-1 to 11-3-12 provide guidance for the administration of the state cost-share funding.

  • Construction

The Watershed Dam Construction Program (WDCP) was enacted in 1977 to provide financial assistance to organized Watershed and Drainage Districts for the construction of flood detention and/or grade stabilization dams.  The objective is to achieve flood reduction benefits to agricultural land, roads, bridges, utilities, and urban areas.

  • Rehabilitation

In 2007, the WDCP was amended to include the rehabilitation of existing flood control structures.  Rehabilitation is the necessary work to bring a structure to applicable safety and performance standards. 

Organized Watershed and Drainage Districts are encouraged to apply for the rehabilitation of any of their flood control structures.  Applications can be found under "Forms and Applications" below:

                     Or by contacting:

                      Steve Frost

Applications for rehabilitation are accepted on or before July 1 of every year.


Forms and Applications

To apply for state cost-share, Watershed Districts, Drainage Districts or other Special Purpose Districts need to use the forms below.
New Dam Construction Application [1-1 Application & Instructions for Watershed Dam Construction]

Dam Rehabilitation Application [1-10 Application & Instructions for Dam Rehabilitation and 1-11 Structure Report Worksheet]
Dam Inspection Report Form (fillable) [Dam Inspection (O&M) Report]
Payment Request [1-5 Request for Payment and 1-6 Construction Progress Report and 1-7 Change Order]

Cash Basis Law  [1-4 Cash Basis Law]

Cost-Share Document Worksheet [1-3 Construction_Rehabilitation Program Worksheet]

Kansas Watershed Districts Map 2020

Kansas Administrative Regulations

Benefit Area Statute