Metrology Lab

NOTE: The Metrology Laboratory has seen a significant increase in request for calibrations due to a temporary closure of a neighboring state metrology laboratory, which is having an impact on scheduling calibration services. 

For calibration orders with a high number of items or orders with items that require extensive amounts of time to calibrate, we are currently (as of March 31, 2023) scheduled out to the end of 2023. For orders with a lower number of items or orders with items that require less time to calibrate, we have more scheduling options.

To schedule services, contact us at

If you have an urgent need for calibration and the Kansas Metrology Laboratory is not able to accommodate your need, visit the NIST website for a list of other NIST-recognized laboratories.

  • Standards Standards
  • SmallMassRoom Small Mass Room
  • SmallVolumeRoom Small Volume Room
  • LargeMassArea Large Mass Area
  • MediumMassArea Medium Mass Area
  • LoadingArea Loading Area
  • KDALaboratory KDA Laboratory
  • PrecisionMassRoom Precision Mass Room
  • LargeVolumeArea Large Volume Area

The Kansas Metrology Laboratory provides calibration service for mass and volume standards for metrological traceability to the International System of Units (SI). The laboratory services other laboratories, government functions, licensed service companies, and various industries.

The types of standards calibrated by the laboratory include mass standards, weight carts, test measures, and provers. These standards are often used to calibrate weighing and measuring devices that are used for commercial sales, laboratory work, and manufacturing.   

The Kansas Metrology Laboratory maintains a Certificate of Metrological Traceability from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Quality measures taken by the laboratory to ensure current procedures are used and calibration results are correct include participation in proficiency testing programs and measurement assurance programs. 

The current Certificate of Metrological Traceability from NIST lists the scope of measurements provided by the laboratory and may be found at the NIST State Measurement Laboratories website.

Hours, Fees, Guidelines and Forms

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Laboratory fee schedule: Fee Schedule

Guidelines for submitting items to the laboratory: Submission Guidelines

Information needed by the laboratory to perform calibrations:
Customer Submission Form