Agriculture Marketing, Advocacy and Outreach

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Agriculture Marketing In the News

Agriculture Marketing and Promotions Advisory Board Meeting on December 15

The Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Marketing and Promotions Advisory Board will meet at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, December 15.

The Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Marketing and Promotions Advisory Board will meet at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, December 15. This is a regularly scheduled board meeting that will be held at the KDA office at 1320 Research Park Dr. in Manhattan.

The mission of the KDA Agricultural Marketing, Advocacy and Outreach Team is to serve all Kansans through innovative programming and delivering solutions designed to create an environment that facilitates growth and expansion in agriculture while increasing pride in and awareness of the state’s largest industry — agriculture.

The meeting is open to the public. To request a copy of the agenda or directions on how to participate in the meeting, in person or virtually, please contact Russell Plaschka, agriculture marketing director, at 785-564-7466 or

Persons who require special accommodations must make their needs known at least two days prior to the meeting. 

The mission of the KDA Agricultural Marketing, Advocacy and Outreach Team is to serve all Kansans through innovative programming and delivering solutions designed to create an environment that facilitates growth and expansion in agriculture while increasing pride in and awareness of the state’s largest industry – agriculture.

The Agricultural Marketing, Advocacy and Outreach team identifies with the following team goals:

  • Retain and serve current farms, ranches and agribusinesses in Kansas
  • Grow current farms, ranches and agribusinesses in Kansas
  • Expand the Kansas agriculture industry
  • Assist in maintaining/growing rural Kansas communities
  • Raising awareness of agriculture
  • Create appreciation for agriculture