Kansas Department of Agriculture

Active Violence Policy


The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for KDA employees to react in the event of an act of violence at the Kansas Department of Agriculture.


It is KDA policy to assist employees with preparation and response to limit risk and assist in recovery in the event of an act of violence, in which an individual is actively engaged in shooting or in any way attempting to hurt people at a KDA building.


  1. Preparedness

    Preparedness can be difficult, because acts of violence are often unpredictable. In most cases of a violent act, there is no pattern of movement or method to the selection of victims. Because most situations are over within 10-15 minutes — before law enforcement arrives on the scene — individuals should be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with a situation.

    All employees should take the time to evaluate their options of places to go, in case of a violent event in the workplace.

    A violent person in the workplace may be a stranger or client, or it may be a current or former employee or an acquaintance of a current or former employee. If employees notice characteristics of potentially violent behavior in a stranger, a client or a fellow employee, they are encouraged to alert someone in human resources and/or management.

  2. Response

    Reacting to the violent event:

    Although the Kansas State University Police Department is tasked with providing security for the Manhattan building — and local police departments have responsibility in other locations — in instances of a violent event, police may not be available within the first crucial minutes. It is important to react quickly when gunshots are heard and/or when alarms are going off. Determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life. Remember: RUN-HIDE-FIGHT.

  1. RUN: Take note of the nearest exits and evacuate the building if a safe escape route is accessible.
  2. HIDE: (if evacuation is not possible)
    • Hiding place should be out of view of the attacker.
    • If you are in an office/room, stay there and secure the door.
    • If you are in a hallway, get into a room and secure the door.
    • Either lock the door or blockade the door with heavy furniture.
    • Silence your cell phone and turn off any other source of noise.
  3. FIGHT: As a last resort, only in case of imminent danger.
  4. Call 911 when it is safe to do so:
    • Alert police to the attacker’s location, number of attackers and potential victims at locations.
    • If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.

      Reacting to Responding Officers:

  1. Police officers responding to a violent situation may be wearing regular uniforms or special tactical gear, but they will be clearly identified as law enforcement officers.
  2. Responding officers may point firearms at you while seeking the threat. This is a normal part of their training and response. Avoid any sudden movements and obey all officers’ commands.
  3. Responding officers are trained to proceed immediately to the area where violence is taking place to neutralize the threat. If you are injured, they will not stop to assist you.
  4. Another group of officers and/or tactical medics will follow to provide medical assistance and help with evacuation.
  5. Remain calm and immediately comply with all commands from law enforcement officers.
  6. Drop items in your hands (e.g., bags, jackets).
  7. Raise hands, spread fingers, and keep hands visible at all times.
  8. Avoid quick movements toward officers, such as reaching out to them for safety.
  9. Do not ask questions when evacuating.


  1. Recovery

After the attacker has been incapacitated and is no longer a threat, human resources and/or management will be engaged in post-event assessments and activities, including:

  1. Accounting for all individuals at a designated assembly point to determine who, if anyone, is missing and potentially injured.
  2. Determining a method for notifying families of individuals affected by the attack, including notification of any fatalities.
  3. Assessing the psychological state of individuals at the scene and referring them to health care specialists accordingly.
  4. Identifying and filling any critical personnel or operational gaps left in the organization as a result of the incident.
  5. Making plans to provide critical incident stress debriefing and/or counseling to impacted personnel to provide any necessary physical, emotional and psychological support.