Water Appropriation Program

The Water Appropriation program administers the Kansas Water Appropriation Act and Rules and Regulations pertaining to the management of water resources. This program issues permits to appropriate water, regulates water use and maintains records of all water rights in the state.

DWR Field Offices - Field offices serve water users statewide and are staffed with employees familiar with local water issues.

New Applications - Apply for a new permit, file a notice of completion of diversion works, or file for an extension of time to complete.

Change Applications - Apply to change the place of use, point of diversion or use made of water on an existing water right.

Certification - Information about perfecting a water right or requesting an extension of time to perfect a right.
Water Use - Filing annual water use reports and annual water use data.
Multi-Year Flex Accounts - Apply for a multiyear flex account.
Forms - A collection of some of our most frequently used forms.

WIMAS - Get up-to-date information about water rights and water use through the Water Information Management and Analysis System.

Updates - Get the latest news and updates on the work of the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Division of Water Resources.

Contact Information:
1320 Research Park Drive
Manhattan, Kansas 66502-5000
Phone: 785-564-6640
Fax: 785-564-6778