Upper Smoky Hill IGUCA

Upper Smoky Hill IGUCA LocationThe Upper Smoky Hill IGUCA was initiated on May 31, 1984 in the Lower Smoky Hill IGUCA Order. The proceedings were initiated in response to evidence received by the chief engineer during the Lower Smoky Hill hearing. A public hearing was held on February 23, 1987 and the Upper Smoky Hill IGUCA Order was issued on July 20, 1988. The order closed the area to new appropriations.

Pursuant to K.A.R. 5-20-2, each of the eight IGUCA orders in place before July 1, 2008 must be reviewed in a process that includes a public hearing conducted by the chief engineer. While a brief summary of the Upper Smoky Hill IGUCA has been provided below, the IGUCA order is also available and should be referred to for detailed conclusions and provisions.


May 31, 1984: IGUCA proceedings initiated in the Lower Smoky Hill IGUCA Order

  • Testimony and evidence received by the chief engineer in the Lower Smoky Hill IGUCA hearing indicated:
    • Declining inflow of water into Cedar Bluff Reservoir contributed to the declining water levels and water blow below the Reservoir
    • Streamflows of the Smoky Hill River and Hackberry Creek above Cedar Bluff Reservoir were declining or had declined excessively and that conditions existed which might require regulation in the public interest

February 26, 1987: Public hearing held

  • Smoky Hill and Hackberry alluvium and terrace deposits are hydraulically connected to the stream systems
  • Groundwater levels in portions of the Smoky Hill River Alluvium were declining
  • Streamflows above Cedar Bluff Reservoir were declining and had reduced flow into the reservoir
  • Streamflow declines were primarily due to effects of increased conservation practices and ground and surface water pumping out of the alluvial valley
  • Conditions existed that required regulation in the public interest (declining inflow of water into Cedar Bluff Reservoir contributing to declines in water levels and streamflow below the Reservoir)
  • Area should be closed to further appropriations

July 20, 1988: IGUCA Order issued

  • Closed the area to further surface and groundwater appropriations
  • Chief engineer can amend the IGUCA if deemed in the public interest

Support Documents

Individuals who have questions regarding the Upper Smoky Hill IGUCA should contact David Engelhaupt at David.Engelhaupt@ks.gov for more information.